CAP/DA and CAP/C Waiver Services
The CAP/DA and CAP/C programs are authorized by a Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (HCBS) granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) under Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act. HCBS waivers are approved by CMS for a specified time period and can be renewed, amended, or terminated by CMS. The HCBS waiver establishes the requirements for program administration and funding.
CAP/DA waiver services are:
- Adult day health;
- CAP In-home aide;
- Equipment, modification and technology;
- Meal preparation and delivery;
- Respite services - Institutional respite and In-Home Aide respite;
- Personal Emergency Response Services (PERS);
- Specialized medical supplies;
- Goods and services – Participant, Individual-directed, Pest eradication, Nutritional services, Non-medical transportation and Chore services-declutter and garbage disposal;
- Community transition;
- Community integration;
- Training, education and consultative;
- Coordinated caregiving;
- Case management – case management and care advisement;
- Personal assistance;
- Financial management; and
- Consumer directed services
CAP/C waiver services are:
- Assistive technology;
- CAP/C in-home aide (IHA);
- Care advisor;
- Case management;
- Community transition service;
- Financial management services;
- Home accessibility and adaptation;
- Goods and services – Participant, Individual-directed, Pest eradication, Nutritional services and Non-medical transportation; Vehicle modification;
- Participant goods and services;
- Pediatric nurse aide services;
- Respite care (institutional and in-home);
- Specialized medical equipment and supplies;
- Training, education, and consultative services; and
- Consumer directed services
Neither Walkers Home Care nor Walkers Case Managers have the authority to authorize care. The Division of Medical Assistance is the authorizing agent. Walkers Case Managers will complete an assessment and send the assessment to Division of Medical Assistance for approval.
Division of Medical Assistance will notify the beneficiary and/or the guardian and the Case Manager of their decision.